Extension well at Jupiter confirms gas and condensate discovery

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 15 Oct 2012 05:43
Tags: brazil petrobras s-america upstream

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Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras announces that preliminary drilling results of well 3-BRSA-967A-RJS (3-RJS-683A), informally known as Jupiter Nordeste, 7.5 km from the discovery well of Jupiter area (1-BRSA-559A), in Santos Basin, confirm the presence of natural gas and condensate, and the presence of a continuous reservoir between both wells.

The new well, which is still being drilled, has reached 5,438 meters. It is located in ultra-deep waters of block BM-S-24, at a water depth of 2,161 meters, and is 275 km off the coast of Rio de Janeiro.

So far, well 3-BRSA-967A-RJS has detected an oil column of 176 meters in rocks of excellent permeability and porosity.

The consortium that holds the concession of block BM-S-24 will proceed with the activities and investments necessary to appraisal the area, according to the Appraisal Plan approved by the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP). Well drilling will continue targeting deeper objectives.

Petrobras is the operator of the consortium (80%) in partnership with Petrogal Brasil (20%).

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