Petronas Announces Successes From The Berantai And Balai Cluster Risk Service Contracts, And Discovery At Tembakau-1 Well

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 23 Nov 2012 14:08
Tags: asia malaysia petronas upstream

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PETRONAS wishes to announce successful gas production from the Berantai Field and the drilling and testing of the first well at the Balai Cluster, respectively Malaysia’s first and second Risk Service Contract (RSC) areas.

In addition to these two positive developments, PETRONAS is also pleased to announce the discovery of gas in Block PM307.

Berantai’s Gas Production
Natural gas production from the Berantai Field was successfully brought on stream on 20 October 2012. The gas is currently being exported at a rate of 50 mmscfd from the field’s first three wells and is expected to achieve 80 mmscfd with the addition of two wells by end of this year. The gas is processed at the Berantai FPSO and exported to the existing onshore terminal at Kerteh.

The RSC for the Berantai Field, which is located offshore Terengganu, was awarded by PETRONAS in January 2011 to Petrofac Energy Developments Sdn Bhd and SapuraKencana Petroleum Bhd.

Successful Completion & Testing at Bentara-2
Meanwhile, the Bentara-2 well, the first well to be drilled in the Balai Cluster RSC area, has been successfully tested, achieving a stable oil flow-rate that ranges between 1,600 and 2,200 barrels per day. The well achieved its target depth of 2,830 metres on 20 October 2012, and initial results indicate an estimated 100 metres of hydrocarbon net pay in stacked reservoirs in the Bentara Field.

The Balai Cluster RSC covers four fields offshore Sarawak, namely Balai, Bentara, Spaoh and West Acis. The RSC was awarded to Roc Oil, Dialog Group and PETRONAS Carigali on 16 August 2011 and was later re-assigned to BC Petroleum Sdn Bhd, a joint venture company consisting of the three shareholders.

The Balai Cluster project is being executed in two phases — the Pre-Development Phase and the Full Field Development Phase. Under the Pre-Development Phase, BC Petroleum has installed a well head platform in each of the four fields.

Gas Discovery at Tembakau-1
Tembakau-1, a vertical exploration well drilled to a depth of 1,565 metres, encountered 60 meters of total net gas sand with preliminary gas initially in-place (GIIP) volume of 600 billion standard cubic feet. Subsequent work will commence to estimate the range of recoverable resource volumes.

Tembakau-1 is located in Block PM307, offshore Peninsular Malaysia, which is operated by Lundin Malaysia (75%) with PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd (25%) as a partner. It is currently being evaluated for potential fast-track gas development.

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