CB&I Announces a Contract for a Gas Processing Project in Denmark

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 25 Jan 2013 18:13
Tags: cbi denmark dong engineering europe

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CB&I (NYSE: CBI) announced today that it has been awarded a contract in excess of US$175 million by DONG Oil Pipe A/S for the engineering, procurement and construction services of the DO Hejre Crude Stabilization Project at the DONG Oil Pipe Oil Terminal in Fredericia, Denmark. This is a fourth quarter 2012 award.

“This project builds on the work we have done in Denmark with the engineering and construction of the DONG Oil Pipe Oil Terminal in 1984, and we are pleased to return and provide our services for this important oil and natural gas project,” said Philip K. Asherman, President and CEO.

The scope of CB&I’s current project includes a crude oil stabilization unit, gas processing units and LPG storage and transfer facilities. The operation is scheduled to start up during 2015.

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