First year of operation of FPSO OSX-1 at Campos Basin

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 01 Feb 2013 07:20
Tags: brazil ogx osx s-america upstream

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OSX, an offshore and shipbuilding company of the EBX Group, celebrated today (January 31st) one year of operations of its first offshore production unit, the FPSO OSX-1. The vessel produced OGX´s first oil in January 2012 and is operating at the Tubarão Azul field located in the shallow waters of Campos Basin (off the coast of Rio de Janeiro State).

The FPSO OSX-1 was built in Korea and customized in Singapore, arriving in Rio de Janeiro in October 2011 after a 45-day trip. The unit measures 271.75 meters in length and includes 16 interconnected modules, most of them customized according to specific requirements defined by OGX. The team operating the FPSO OSX-1 is made up of Brazilians, totaling 65 professionals on board.

Since the beginning of its operations at the Tubarão Azul field, the FPSO OSX-1 has already produced over 3 million barrels of oil and completed five offloading operations to deliver oil to OGX clients. Currently, the unit is connected to three production wells.

In 2012, OSX obtained ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications with 100% of compliance. It has also been certified under the ISPS CODE (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code) and SPIE (Serviço Próprio de Inspeção de Equipamentos/Inhouse Equipment Inspection Service) issued by IBP (Brazilian Institute of Oil, Gas and Biofuels). These certificates highlight and state the high safety standards adopted by OSX in the operation of its first offshore unit and the competence of its technical team.

The FPSO OSX-1 reached an operating efficiency of approximately 99% during 2012. The excellent results demonstrate the successful partnership between OSX and OGX, as well as OSX´s capacity to satisfy the demand of the national offshore industry.

For more information and interesting facts about OSX´s first production unit, visit the FPSO OSX-1 hotsite:

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