QGC completes Australia’s longest underwater ‘pipe pull’

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 02 Mar 2013 21:21
Tags: australia bg-group conoco engineering lng origin sinopec

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Engineers have completed a world-class engineering achievement in simultaneously laying two, 1m-diameter gas pipelines across Gladstone Harbour.

The safely completed 72-hour operation to winch the pipelines 2.3km from the mainland to Curtis Island represents Australia's longest large-diameter underwater "pipe pull".

QGC managed the project under which pipelines for the Queensland Curtis LNG Project and the Australia Pacific LNG Project were laid in the same trench by pipeline construction contractor MCJV, a joint venture between McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd and Consolidated Contracting Company Australia Pty Ltd.

The segments will connect each project's main pipelines from the Surat Basin gas fields, about 300km inland, to liquefied natural gas plants on Curtis Island.

The pipelines were co-located and installed concurrently to minimise environmental impact and disruption to boating.

The harbour crossing has involved construction of temporary facilities including a 2km-long road, two bridges and a railway line to move the pipes across two creeks, marshes and mud flats.

The harbour crossing used a temporary 450-tonne capacity winch on Curtis Island to pull the pipes - which together weigh 8,000 tonnes - through the sub-sea trench. The trench will now be filled with gravel and rock to protect the pipelines.

QGC Pipelines Project Director Norman Ingram said completion of the operation was a significant milestone.

"This engineering feat is significant on a world scale in terms of scope and complexity," Mr Ingram said.

"Its completion keeps us on track to become the world's first project to convert coal seam gas to liquefied natural gas."

The crossing follows raising of the roof on Queensland's first LNG storage tank on 8 February 2013.

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