AusGroup contract extended on the Gorgon Project

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 30 Jun 2013 08:12
Tags: ausgroup australia chevron engineering lng

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AusGroup Limited subsidiary AGC Industries Pty Ltd (“AGC”), a leading Australian based construction and fabrication company, has been awarded further fabrication work with CB&I and Kentz Joint Venture (CKJV) on the Chevron-operated Gorgon Project.

The contract extension for the manufacture and supply of Shear Keys to the Gorgon Project brings the total amount to more than 3,000. Shear keys are important components for modular construction and are being used to secure the LNG plant modules on Barrow Island.

The manufacture of the Shear Keys will be undertaken at AGC’s fabrication facility in Kwinana, before being transported to the Australian Marine Complex for shipment to Barrow Island.

This contract extension takes AGC’s total contracts value on the Gorgon Project to more than AU$110 million. Overall, the contracts have created more than 280 local jobs.

Laurie Barlow, AusGroup’s CEO and Managing Director, said: “The extension of this contract further supports AGC’s local fabrication capability in Western Australia and our ability to offer clients timely delivery on high quality components.”

“As a local supplier, we are pleased to continue our valued relationship with CKJV and Chevron on the Gorgon Project.”

The Gorgon Project is one of the world’s largest natural gas projects and the single largest resource development in Australia’s history. It is operated by an Australian subsidiary of Chevron and is a joint venture of the Australian subsidiaries of Chevron (47.3 percent), with the Australian subsidiaries of ExxonMobil (25 percent), Shell (25 percent), Osaka Gas (1.25 percent), Tokyo Gas (1 percent) and Chubu Electric Power (0.417 percent).

With this contract award, AusGroup’s order book now stands at AU$230 million.

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