Rominserv will perform the modernisation works on Pavlodar Refinery (Kazakhstan)

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 02 Aug 2013 12:29
Tags: c-asia kazakhstan kazmunaygas refinery rominserv rompetrol

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Rominserv, part of The Rompetrol Group, will perform the works for modernisation and enhancing the processing capacity of Pavlodar refinery in Kazakhstan, the value of the contract – signed at the beginning of this week - amounting to USD 1.072 billion. The programme targets the increase of the processing capacity to 7 million tons/year, the increase of the refining yield as well as the improvement of the product quality and the reduction of the environmental impact.

"The expertise and experience proved by Rominserv in similar projects within The Rompetrol Group's refineries Petromidia Năvodari and Vega Ploieşti (reaching a capacity of 5 million tons at Petromidia - the biggest in Romania, as well as its positioning among the most modern units in this field of activity within the Black Sea region and Europe - Nelson Complexity Index 10.5) ensured the selection of the company as general contractor of this ample project at Pavlodar refinery. The engineering, procuring, construction and project management competences of Rominserv are recognized in over 10 countries, after 10 years of experience", said Kanat Bekmurza, General Manager Rominserv.

In the first stage, according the sign contract, the Romanian company will ensure the project and the procuring of materials and equipment for the construction of new installations, as well as for the upgrading of the existent ones. During 2014, Pavlodar refinery will analyze the lunching of the second phase of the project, which aims to improve the yield of the crude and increased production of high quality fuels. This phase is expected to be completed during 2018. The modernization program includes the revampl of 10 plants: Crude Distillation Unit, Vacuum Distillation Unit, Kero Hydrotreater, Diesel Hydrotreater Unit, Merox, Naphta Hydrotreater, Vacuum Gas Oil, Catalytic Cracking Unit, Catalytic Reforming Unit, Utilities and Off-sites. Also, new facilities will be built: Penex isomerisation unit, Sulphur Recovery Unit, Sour Water Stripping, Amine Regeneration Unit and Diesel Hydrotreater and Dewaxing.

The Pavlodar refinery, situated in the North-West of the country, was built in 1978, being designed for the processing of the Siberian oil. A member of KazMunayGas since 2009, is the biggest oil production unit in Kazakhstan and the most modern in Central Asia. In 2012, Pavlodar refinery processed 5 million tons of oil.

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