Tianjin LNG project, first floating domestic LNG project, approved by the NDRC

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 17 Aug 2013 14:09
Tags: asia china cnooc lng

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China CNOOC Tianjin LNG project has been formally approved by the State Development and Reform Commission.

Following the Guangdong LNG , Fujian LNG , Zhejiang LNG , Shanghai LNG and other southern and eastern China construction project approved and put into operation, the Chinese CNOOC LNG plans move on to North China. Thus, the LNG industrial infrastructure is nearing completion from south to north along the coast.

Tianjin LNG project a subsidiary of China National Oil, Gas and Power Group, is to be the first floating LNG project in China.

The project site is located in the southern port of Tianjin Port, and project investment of 33 billion yuan is planned.

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