Rosneft Completes Summer Field Prospecting Season at Offshore License Blocks

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 06 Nov 2013 12:02
Tags: c-asia rosneft russia upstream

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Rosneft announces the completion of the summer 2013 field prospecting season at the company's offshore license blocks.

Seismic prospecting has been conducted at the following blocks: Fedynsky, Central Barentsevsky, East-Prinovozemelsky 1, East-Prinovozemelsky 2, East-Prinovozemelsky 3, South-Russky, Medynsko-Varandeisky, Magadan-1, Magadan-2, Magadan-3, Lisyansky, Kashevarovsky and Astrakhanovskoe Sea – Nekrasovsky. The total scope of seismic prospecting amounted to: 2D - 32,727.2 lin. km, 3D – 2,559.2 sq. km

All the license seismic prospecting obligations have been fully completed.

Geotechnical survey has also been conducted at 11 sites for construction of prospecting and appraisal wells at the Tuapse Trough, West-Chernomorsky, East-Prinovozemelsky 1, East-Prinovozemelsky 2 and South-Russky blocks.

Regional geochemical research has been conducted in the Kara Sea. Environmental research has been conducted in Okhotsk, Kara and Barents Seas.

The obtained research results allow to determine further shelf hydrocarbon prospecting areas.

Rosneft conducts the geological prospecting program in compliance with all the Russian environmental regulations and license agreements. The company adheres to all license obligations, at certain sites the works are conducted ahead of schedule.

Notes for Editors:

Rosneft is the largest subsoil user in the Russian shelf holding 44 license blocks located in the Russian internal waters, territorial sea and continental shelf.

The reserves are estimated at 42 billion tonnes of oil equivalent. Another block is located on the Abkhazian territory. Currently Rosneft is actively working on 23 of its license blocks.

Rosneft performs exploration works by itself and as part of joint projects with Russian and foreign partners. Among Rosneft partners are such large companies as ExxonMobil, Statoil, eni.

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