NEB Recommends Approving Enbridge’s Edmonton to Hardisty Pipeline Project

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 31 Jan 2014 21:27
Tags: canada enbridge n-america pipeline

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The National Energy Board (NEB or Board) today released its report recommending that the federal government approve the Enbridge Pipelines Inc.’s (Enbridge) Edmonton to Hardisty Pipeline Project (Project).

The Project includes the construction and operation of a new crude oil pipeline, approximately 182 km in length, from its existing Edmonton Terminal, near Edmonton, AB to its existing Hardisty Terminal, near Hardisty, AB.

A public hearing was held as part of the Board’s review of this Project. Several participants, including landowners and Aboriginal groups, contributed. Based on their input and other evidence, the Board included a number of conditions in its recommendation that Enbridge must comply with if the Project is approved, such as Enbridge providing to the Board:

  • copies of its safety programs and manuals,
  • traditional land use investigations,
  • an updated Weed and Clubroot Management Plan, and
  • a post-construction monitoring report.

The Board also approved the construction and operation of a new initiating pump station at Enbridge’s Edmonton Terminal, a new pump station at each of its existing Kingman and Strome stations, as well as associated facilities and infrastructure at its Edmonton and Hardisty Terminals as part of the Project (Associated Facilities). The Board’s approval to construct and operate these facilities will only take effect on Governor in Council’s approval of the Project.

If approved by the Governor in Council, the Board will issue a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, as well as an Order for the Associated Facilities

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