CB&I Announces Contract for LNG Export Facility

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 10 Aug 2014 08:55
Tags: cbi chiyoda engineering exxon lng n-america usa

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CB&I (NYSE:CBI) together with its partner, Chiyoda Corporation (Chiyoda), announced today it has been awarded a front end engineering design (FEED) services contract for a proposed LNG export project by Golden Pass Products, LLC (GPP). GPP is a joint venture between affiliates of Qatar Petroleum International and ExxonMobil.

The scope of work, which will be performed in conjunction with CB&I's partner Chiyoda, includes FEED services for the GPP LNG liquefaction and export facilities with a production capacity of 15.6 million tons of LNG per year (5.2 MTPA x 3 trains). The new facility will be co-located at the site of the existing LNG import terminal owned and operated by Golden Pass LNG Terminal LLC, an affiliate of GPP. CB&I and Chiyoda successfully completed the pre-FEED and engineering necessary to support Golden Pass' formal application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission earlier this year. CB&I performed the engineering and construction of the existing LNG import terminal, which became operational in 2010.

"This award builds on CB&I and Chiyoda's involvement in many of the major LNG projects taking place around the world," said Patrick K. Mullen, President of CB&I's Engineering, Construction and Maintenance operating group. "We look forward to continuing our strong relationship with Qatar Petroleum International and ExxonMobil, which expands on the original development of the Golden Pass Terminal."

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