INTECSEA Announces Award of the Maersk Culzean Project

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 13 Aug 2014 13:18
Tags: europe intecsea maersk north-sea services uk

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INTECSEA is pleased to announce that our UK office has been awarded the subsea front-end engineering and design (FEED) contract for Maersk Oil UK's Culzean ultra-high-pressure, high-temperature development in the North Sea.

The Culzean development is one of the largest gas discoveries of recent years in the UK North Sea, located in water depths of about 88m and the reservoir around 4,300m below sea level. The contract, which includes optional detailed design scopes also in support of the Culzean project, was awarded to INTECSEA following a competitive tender process and is expected to run for ten months.

Work on the project kicked off at the beginning of July and will be executed in the INTECSEA UK office.

INTECSEA president Neil Mackintosh commented on the award and relationship with Maersk, stating that “This award is an important milestone for us and reaffirms the growing relationship that we have with Maersk in the Europe and Africa Region and across the globe. We look forward to working closely with Maersk and successfully executing this project."

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