Bulk Equipment is Delivered to Syzran Refinery

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 30 Aug 2014 08:32
Tags: c-asia refinery rosneft russia

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A reactor and a cold high-pressure separator is delivered to the site of Rosneft subsidiary Syzran Refinery for the constructed diesel hydro-treater. The unit is designed for the removal of sulphur and nitrogen compounds, as well as of other solids to improve diesel-fuel and to bring its environmental specifications to Euro-5 level.

The weight of the reactor is 400 tons, the length is 36 m, and the diameter is 4.5 m. The weight of the cold high-pressure separator is 345.5 tons, the length is 26.5 m, and the diameter is about 4.5 m. The equipment has been delivered by water with the use of marine and river transport. It has made 4 thousand km from Port of Ortona to the Volga river within 45 days. From the terminal by the side of the Volga river in Syzran to the construction site of the diesel hydro-treater of the Syzran Refinery the equipment has been delivered by road with the use of special self-propelled transport modules. The mission has been carried out in cooperation with State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Samara Region, and with Kuybyshev Railroad, which lines were on the transportation route.

This is the second delivery of such bulk equipment to Syzran Refinery. The first delivery took place in November 2013, when two reactors of 550 tons each have been delivered to the purpose-built terminal of the Refinery for the mild hydrocracker. There has been constructed a complex of hydraulic and service lines from the terminal to the township roads for the delivery of bulk freights in view of high drop of elevational points, as well as carried out a reconstruction of neighboring overhead roads.

The terminal and the road have become the part of the town transportation infrastructure.

Notes for Editors

The diesel hydro-treater complex is one of the key objects of the Syzran Refinery under the large-scale investment program of Rosneft aimed at production modernization of its refineries towards increase of refining depth and throughput performance, improvement of environmental and industrial safety, and complete transition to the output of motor fuel compliant with Euro-5 standard.

As of the first half of 2014, Syzran Refinery has refined 3.65 million tons of oil. The Refinery produces various forms of Euro-3, Euro-4, and Euro-5 motor fuel.

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