Novokuibyshev Refinery Increased Throughput and Oil Products Output over 9 Months

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 08 Dec 2014 12:36
Tags: c-asia refinery rosneft russia

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Following the results of work for nine months of 2014, Novokuibyshev Refinery, a part of Samara group of Rosneft refineries, increased output of major oil products compared to the same period of 2013.

Throughput performance amounted to about 6.1 million tons of oil, which is 75 thousand tons more than for the previous year, and 4.1% more than the target figures. This strong performance was possible due to the systematic optimization of the technical process within the specified plant capacity, and as a result of implemented modernization program at Novokuibyshev Refinery.

Diesel fuel production increased to 1.6 million tons, which exceeds the plan by 5.6%. Production of motor spirit increased by over 17 thousand tons compared to the previous year, and amounted to about 691 thousand tons, including over 242 thousand tons of 5 Standard. Following the result of implemented modernization, the plant increased quality of produced gasolines. Production of light-oil products increased by 2.5% compared to the same period in 2013, up to almost 3.5 million tons.

Notes for Editors

Novokuibyshev Refinery produces over 22 brands of oil products, including motor spirits and diesel fuel compliant with Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards, jet fuel, marine fuel, petroleum coke, atmospheric residue, coal tar, broad fraction of light hydrocarbons, spirit of sulphur, etc. In 2013, throughput performance amounted to about 8.2 million tons.

Currently an active phase of the large-scale investment program implementation is carried out at Novokuibyshev Refinery aimed at production modernization towards complete transition to the output of motor fuel compliant with Euro-5 standard, and increase of refining depth, improvement of environmental and industrial safety.

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