Imperial and ExxonMobil file LNG export application

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 15 Jan 2015 12:59

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Imperial Oil Resources Limited and ExxonMobil Canada Ltd., under the jointly owned affiliate WCC LNG Ltd., filed an application yesterday with the National Energy Board (NEB) for approval to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) from a proposed LNG terminal on the west coast of British Columbia.

The request to the NEB is for authorization to export up to 30 million tonnes of LNG per year for 25 years. A number of prospective sites for a natural gas liquefaction plant and LNG storage and marine loading facilities are under assessment, and include locations in the vicinity of either the Kitimat or Prince Rupert areas of British Columbia.

Imperial and ExxonMobil are in the early stages of project assessment and planning. The submission of the license application is a required step in the development of an LNG project. Further regulatory reviews and approvals would be required prior to making a final investment decision.

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