Petrobras Start of EWT in pre-salt of Marlim Leste field

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 01 Mar 2011 06:30
Tags: brazil offshore petrobras s-america upstream

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Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras announces the start up of the Extended Well Test (EWT) for the Tracajá reservoir, located 124 km off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, in the pre-salt area of Marlim Leste field, in Campos Basin.

The EWT is being executed in the 6-MLL-70 well, where the oil was found in September of 2010 at a depth of 4,442m and which was interconnected to the P-53 FPSO, using the available production and offloading infra-structure. The test began with a flow rate of 23,300 barrels per day.

EWT’s objective is to obtain information about the characteristics of the reservoir in order to establish the definitive project for production development in the future.

The Tracajá Discovery Assessment Plan (PAD), presented to the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP) in 2010, further provides for the drilling of one to two extension wells for the complete delimitation of the accumulation.

The Tracajá discovery is part of the Planóleo Program, which is designed to intensify exploration and production work in areas surrounding fields that are already producing in order to harness the capacity of existing facilities, reduce costs and streamline the production of new volumes of oil.

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