MHI-MME Delivered its first Deck Boiler Module for FPSO Minimizing the installation area and period by modularization

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 06 Apr 2015 16:51
Tags: africa engineering fpso ghana mhi

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Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Marine Machinery & Engine Co., Ltd. (MHI-MME) delivered its first deck boiler module to be installed in the FPSO Prof. John Evans Atta Mills ("FPSO MV25") for T.E.N. (Tweneboa, Enyenra, Ntomme) oil field (Offshore Ghana) on March 14th, 2015. This FPSO is constructed by MODEC, Inc., and will be chartered to a consortium formed by Tullow Ghana Ltd. and its partners, The delivered module is packaged with highly-reliable boiler "MAC-40BF" and is expected to shorten outfitting period of the vessel.

The module realized the minimization of installation area by integrating boiler, auxiliary equipments, instruments, lighting system, maintenance floor, stairs and handrails. In addition, because the module is on-board equipment on the FPSO deck, it includes the supporting frame as a structure stiffness member so as to have a sufficient strength at the condtiion of ship motions peculiar to offshore.

In order to shorten the transportation time, after the boiler was manufactured at MHI-MME (Japan), the module was assembled at module fabricator in Singapore where the FPSO is constructed. The gross weight of the boiler module is 140 tons with 11m (L) x 10m (W) x 19m(H).

MHI-MME has already received orders and delivered boilers for seven FPSO vessels (FPSO Cuulong MV9, FPSO Stybarrow Venture MV16, FPSO Song Doc Pride MV19, FPSO Kwame Nkrumah MV21, FPSO Cidade de Mangaratiba MV24, FPSO Cidade de Itaguaí MV26 and FPSO Cidade de Caraguatatuba MV27) from MODEC, and this module (for FPSO MV 25) is the eighth. From now on, MHI-MME will continue to contribute to the expanding offshore field by providing highly-reliable boilers.

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