Axens to provide technologies for the production of high octane gasoline in Upper Egypt

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 22 Jun 2015 05:34
Tags: africa axens egypt engineering refinery

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Assiut Oil Refining Company (ASORC) has selected Axens to supply technologies for its project of refinery upgrading, which consist of a new complex for the production of high octane gasoline. This project aims to satisfying domestic market needs for high quality gasoline.

For this project, Axens offered:

  • Naphtha Hydrotreater (NHT).
  • Continuous catalytic Reformer (CCR) using Axens Octanizing™ technology.
  • C5/C6 isomerization unit with deisohexanizer recycle unit.
  • In addition Axens, will provide catalysts, adsorbents, equipment and technical support. The capacity of the project is 660,000 tons per year of naphtha processed.

Assiut Oil Refining Company (ASORC)

Assiut Oil Refining Company (ASORC) is subsidiary of Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) was established in October 1984 to meet upper Egypt's needs of petroleum products, the location of ASORC is 400 Km south of Cairo and it's built over 1037 Acres, the grass-roots refinery was 2.5 MM T/Y of distillation crude and has increased to 4.5 MM T/Y by adding the second crude distillation unit in 2002, ASORC starts building a new Naphtha complex (NHT, CCR and Isomerization unit) with a capacity 660,000 T/Yto Provide high octane gasoline& different grades of gasoline for Upper Egypt.

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