Axens’ VGO HDS technology selected by Total for its Donges Refinery, France

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 16 Oct 2015 11:16
Tags: axens engineering europe france refinery total

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Axens VGO HDS technology has been selected by Total for a new vacuum gasoil (VGO) hydro desulfurization unit at the Donges refinery (France). The unit is designed to process around 40,000 BPD (barrels per day) and will allow Total producing low sulfur fuels meeting the evolution of EU specifications.

For the Donges project, Axens has proposed an optimized process scheme specifically adapted to the existing refinery environment, and incorporating Total’s requirements in terms of energy efficiency and operational flexibility.

VGO HDS technology is part of Axens’ extensive portfolio in the field of middle distillates, VGO hydrotreating and hydroconversion, with more than 220 units licensed in the world totalizing close to 10 million BPD capacity.

Axens supplies VGO HDS technology license, basic engineering, proprietary catalysts and equipment as well as related services: training, unit start-up and follow-up.

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