Enbridge Energy Partners Receives PHMSA Approval of Restart Plan for Line 6B

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 28 Sep 2010 09:22
Tags: canada enbridge pipeline

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Enbridge Energy Partners, L.P. ("Enbridge" or "the Partnership") (NYSE:EEP) announced today that it had received approval from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) of Enbridge's restart plan for Line 6B.

The approval outlines additional steps PHMSA requires Enbridge to complete prior to the regulator approving Line 6B's return to service.

Today's approval of the Enbridge restart plan is the first of two separate approvals required from PHMSA before the line can be returned to service. The first approval, which Enbridge received today, is for the Line 6B restart plan. The second approval, still required from PHMSA, will be for the return to service of Line 6B based on compliance with the restart plan. That plan includes requirements for appropriate public notifications and working with a third-party monitor to provide monitoring during the restart process.

Enbridge now anticipates it will meet the restart plan's requirements and be in a position to return Line 6B to service the morning of Monday, Sept. 27, subject to its receipt of final PHMSA approval.

Line 6B is a 30-inch, 283,000 bpd line transporting light synthetics, heavy and medium crude oil from Griffith, Indiana to Sarnia, Ontario. It is part of the Partnership's Lakehead System.

Enbridge Energy Partners Receives PHMSA Approval of Restart Plan for Line 6B

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